NOBL Dealers and Distributors

Looking For Local Options?

We partner with trusted international distributors to offer local sales and support. If you have inquiries about purchasing our products or require local service, they are set up to help you out and provide the level of expertise you’ve come to expect from the NOBL brand.

Become a Dealer

Fill out the form below to apply for Dealer pricing.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Follow the prompts to complete your application.

Once we have received and approved your application (usually with 1-2 business days), you will be registered as a user on our site which means you can order directly through the website.

You must use a business address for your shipments.

Dealer Registration

Import Bike is a distributor of premium MTB products based in Mexico.


Schuering Bikes offers a range of bike products based in Troisdorf in the Rhein-Sieg district of Germany.

Evo is a specialist cycle retailer that caters to Scotland and England from their location in East Sussex.


Over 30 years of expertise in the Singapore cycling industry, they provide an extra level of trust and confidence for their customers.

Bike Boy PH is a specialist bike dealer out of the Philippines.

Ecocana services the Malaysian cycling industry with inspirational experiences and innovative products.